Senin, 02 Mei 2016

[SPAM] [?] Tigoragustinuss Hkbp, take your opportunity to find NEW LOVE with Storm Renfrew [?]

dari:Storm Renfrew
kepada:Tigoragustinuss Hkbp <>
tanggal:18 April 2016 20.13
perihal:[?] Tigoragustinuss Hkbp, take your opportunity to find NEW LOVE with Storm Renfrew [?]
enkripsi:Tak Satu Pun Pelajari selengkapnya

Hey man ass punisֹher
I found y̾our pro͟file via FB . Yŏu are pretty boy.
i'm a lil bit of a lezbo and want to h00kup with my BFF lol.. d͈o u want to have a 3söme with us? we're down for a wild time
M̔y screenname is Storm =)
the pag͈e is -

It is me-Storm89

SMS me!

Mengapa pesan ini dimasukkan ke dalam Spam? Pesan ini serupa dengan pesan yang terdeteksi oleh filter spam kami.  Pelajari selengkapnya

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